Literature: ISACC JB1

AcronymISACC JB1
AuthorsBoscaino F., Ionata E., La Cara F., Guerriero S., Marcolongo L., Sorrentino A.
Title   Impact of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Metschnikowia fructicola autochthonous mixed starter on Aglianico wine volatile compounds
JournalJournal of Food Science and Technology
DOIDOI 10.1007/s-019-03970-9

Connected strains

Number of items per page

Number of elements: 3

Accession NumberCollectionOrganism TypeTaxon Name
ISACC 2076ISACCYeastsMetschnikowia fructicola
ISACC 2075ISACCYeastsMetschnikowia fructicola
ISACC 2003ISACCYeastsSaccharomyces cerevisiae

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