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CBISACCColumbia Blood Medium
MRSISACCDe Man, Rogosa e Sharpe Medium
MRS-MISACCDe man, Rogosa e Sharpe Mewdium+ 1% Maltose and 1% yeast extract, pH 5.6
TSYEISACCTrypticase Soy Yeast Extract Medium
YEPD AgarISACCYeast extract peptone dextrose
YEPD brothISACCYeast extract peptone dextrose
BHIMBDS-UNISSCCBrain-heart infusion broth
CFMBDS-UNISSCCModified MRS for citrate fermenting bacteria containing 5g of glucose and 19g of calcium citrate

SUS-MIRRI.IT Headquarter

University of Turin

Via Verdi 8, 10124, Turin, Italy

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Cristina Varese

This web platform was produced under the workpackage 3 of the project “Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy” (SUS-MIRRI.IT) and has received funding from the “PNRR M4C2 Iniziativa 3.1 - Infrastrutture di Ricerca (IR), cod. MUR IR0000005”.

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